Part 3: Wayward Soldier
Sunstreaker dropped the now-unconscious Decepticon he had been wrestling with and took an instant to glance over the battlefield. Like so many of the battles here on Earth, this one was coming to a quick end. Both Autobot and Decepticon knew better than to spend too much time and energy in one place. It would be a waste, especially considering the limited number of soldiers available to fight on either side. It was foolhardy to risk too many soldiers in one place; losing meant a distinct disadvantage and, in all likelihood, a quick and final defeat.
Sunstreaker noticed that this particular battle was not going well for either side, as he lined up in the battle line again. Neither side could gain the upper hand and neither side seemed to be backing down. Sunstreaker's warrior spirit could sense both sides growing weary of the stalemate. Soon, one side or the other would call for a retreat. Frankly, Sunstreaker was not ready for that yet. He still had too much rage begging to be released.
Sunstreaker broke formation and jumped over Cliffjumper, ignoring the small Autobot's shout of surprise, and raced forward. Prowl, who was his squad leader, made to snatch at Sunstreaker's arm, trying vainly to reel in the warrior. Sunstreaker would have none of that. He was not about to let the Decepticons get away, not until he found his prey. The Decepticons occupying their own front line paused for a moment as Sunstreaker sped toward them. Finally, one of the three Reflector Decepticons shouted back to someone in the ranks, alerting them to the new offensive. Sunstreaker jumped into the air, avoiding a blast from Reflector's rifle and kicked him in the face on the way back down to the ground.
From a crouch, Sunstreaker scanned the Decepticons around him. They were trying to form up battle lines again, but with an unexpected Autobot in the middle of the ranks, they were falling into chaos. Sunstreaker ignored a few glancing shots from the Decepticons and caught Soundwave's optics. Something inside of Sunstreaker clicked. Sunstreaker transformed and raced toward the Decepticon communicator. Sunstreaker barely flinched as two tires were blown out from beneath him. He swerved around shells and other blasts, but his sights remained firmly focused on Soundwave.
Soundwave squared up as Sunstreaker bore down on him and raised his concussion blaster. Sunstreaker cringed at the searing pain as the shot from Soundwave's rifle erupted beneath his car mode. He found himself flying through air, but refused to make this a disadvantage. He quickly transformed and leveled the surprised Soundwave with the punch across the face. Sunstreaker landed on his feet beside the fallen Decepticon and roughly shoved his rifle in his face.
“Where is he?” Sunstreaker growled.
For the briefest of seconds, doubt began to course through him. 'Why would Soundwave even know what I'm talking about?'
'Because,' Sunstreaker answered himself, 'Soundwave would know all of the Decepticon activities.' He no doubt knew Sideswipe was incapacitated. And he knew who did it.
Soundwave did not have a chance to answer as Ravage sprang from nowhere and knocked Sunstreaker onto his back and away from Soundwave. The catlike Decepticon spy swiped a deep gouge into Sunstreaker's arm with his foreclaws and leapt back to Soundwave, folding up neatly into a cassette mode and sliding safely into Soundwave's chest compartment.
Sunstreaker let his head drop heavily to the ground as he grabbed his arm. He rolled onto his side and heaved himself to a standing position with his good arm. Weariness racked his every movement. A growing part of him just wanted to lay down arms and forget about the fighting. 'Why should you be out here when you should be with Sideswipe?' that small voice would always ask. 'Because then I won't find who's done this and make him pay for his crimes,' a more vengeful, less rational voice always answered. For days, he wrestled with these thoughts. He longed to be with Sideswipe, but his anger would not let him sit still long enough to do so. He was restless where he used to be patient. He knew the rage would be his undoing in battle, but it was growing increasingly difficult to control it. Sunstreaker tried to focus and continue his attack, trying to keep his anger in check.
Then, from somewhere down the Decepticon front line, Sunstreaker heard an order to retreat. 'No,' his mind shouted as he sprinted toward the fleeing Decepticons, oblivious of the laser fire around him. The weariness, as well as the calm, was quickly forgotten in lieu of anger. His best chance at somehow finding the Decepticon assassin was about to slip away.
“You won't get away, cowards ” he yelled at the retreating Decepticons. “I won't let you get away with this ”
A strong blast from Dirge finally dropped the enraged Autobot to his knees. Sunstreaker punched the ground in front of him in frustration and glared angrily at the retreating Decepticons. Days after Sideswipe was nearly killed, Sunstreaker was no closer to finding out the identity of the attacker. He knew he had seen the Decepticon some time before that battle, but Sunstreaker still could not place it. He only knew that each day he did not know was tearing at his insides. He despised knowing that Sideswipe's attacker was living a normal life gallivanting around his base without a care in the world, while Sunstreaker's thoughts were consumed with his need for payback.
A hand fell slowly on Sunstreaker's shoulder. The warrior turned and swiped the arm angrily away, ignoring the pain from Ravage's cut. Sunstreaker slowly turned to glare at who was disturbing him and looked into Prowl's optics. Typically, Prowl's expression was not surprise or displeasure. It was the same calm, casual stare he usually offered.
“What were you doing?” Prowl asked, his voice registering his concern “Your actions were beyond rash. They were dangerous. Do you realize how many times you were nearly destroyed?” Prowl turned as he heard the rumble of Optimus Prime's engine approaching from a different part of the battlefield. “This is something that I would like to keep between us and not involve Optimus Prime. But you realize that is impossible. Your actions put more than yourself in danger.” Prowl paused again. His face softened. “We don't want to lose you, Sunstreaker.”
Sunstreaker held Prowl's optics until the strategist turned to inform Optimus of their situation. The fires of rage were finally starting to douse a bit. Still, the fact that Sideswipe was dying back at base tugged at him, refusing to let the fires die completely. Sunstreaker, with the help of Powerglide and Inferno, rose to his feet and began walking to Optimus' trailer for the ride back to base. 'Usually it's Sideswipe who needs the lift back to base,' Sunstreaker thought sadly. He walked into the trailer, leaned against the wall beside Windcharger, and slid slowly to a sitting position. He looked around at the other four Autobots sitting in the dim trailer. They were all being very quiet. He knew it was because he was there. All of the warriors seemed to be more distant around Sunstreaker lately. They were, however, the least of Sunstreaker's worries. His only thoughts were of Sideswipe. The other Autobots could be throwing a party right now and Sunstreaker would barely notice.
Sunstreaker stared back into the bright sunshine outside of the trailer at Optimus and Prowl. They talked for several seconds and then transformed. Sunstreaker could not help but notice the short glance Prime gave Sunstreaker before he transformed and hitched up to the trailer. Sunstreaker closed his optics and thought back to several days ago, before Sideswipe was nearly killed. Prime had wanted them to look at several Decepticons and identify them, if they could. One of them was the attacker. Sunstreaker's head shot up.
'And they know who he is,' he thought. 'They've known all along.'
* * *
Marauder stalked quickly through the ventilator shafts that lay parallel to the corridors that ran through Autobot Headquarters, making his way through the maze as if he designed the vast ship himself. The basic design of the Ark Class ship was not a secret so, even though this particular ship certainly had its share of modifications, Marauder was able to make his way through the base with little effort. The foolish Autobots were ripe for destruction given how lax their security measures were. While he knew that the computer core, the infirmary, and several other high valued areas would be impossible to penetrate without detection, making his way through the personnel levels was simple enough.
He grasped the gun he carried at his side tightly as he thought back on recent events. He felt himself a fool for all that had happened. He had never suffered through such an embarrassing string of defeats and miscalculation in his long career in special operations. Marauder was forced to admit that the two warriors he lured into his trap were more formidable than he had anticipated. He still thought that it was bizarre that the Autobots would have such warriors. Optimus Prime was certainly a great warrior, but all Prime’s had been, or so he had heard. Autobots were supposed to be pacifistic morons who would rather talk than fight. Perhaps these two were exceptions. Marauder did not know and at the moment he did not care either. It was their fault he was in his predicament. He was a fugitive from his own cause, forced to escape from the prison level in his own base. He needed to succeed here, or he would surely be destroyed. And only that if he were lucky.
He placed the white flare gun on his hip and quickly pried away a panel leading to the main hall. Once removed, he cautiously peered down the hall for any Autobots that might not be at the latest battle. He allowed himself a smile when he saw he was alone. He ran silently to a door several feet from the panel and withdrew a datacard, one of the many tools he used in his function. Placing the card in the slot under the keypad, he activated it and waited as it ran through the proper passcodes needed to gain entry into the room. After several seconds, he heard the lock on the door click. Hazarding another glance down the hall, he slipped into Sunstreaker’s quarters.
Working quickly, he snatched the gun off his hip again and placed it on the table near the door. It belonged to Sideswipe. Usually he liked to keep souvenirs from his victories, but this had hardly been a victory. Instead, he
planned on using it push Sunstreaker, to manipulate him into coming to Marauder on his terms. Beside the gun, he placed a small holographical device. If the gun was not enough, the message that was waiting him within would certainly get his attention.
With another glance around the room, Marauder turned to leave. It was only a matter of time now. He just needed to go back to the cave. And wait for Sunstreaker to come to the death that awaited him.
* * *
Sunstreaker scowled at the small committee of Optimus, Prowl, and Jazz before him. 'Why are they talking about me like I'm not even here?' he thought angrily.
The reason for this meeting was, of course, the recent battle. Sunstreaker had barely had time to hold vigil over Sideswipe before the call came down. He had Ratchet repair him at his brother's side. Sunstreaker could feel that Sideswipe needed him nearby. Even without being called here, Sunstreaker did not know how long he could sit still long enough to remain at Sideswipe's side. Sunstreaker was finding it ever harder to even look at his brother knowing that the Decepticon killer was still out there.
But now he was merely sitting and watching a collection of the Autobot braintrust discussing his actions rather than simply asking him about them. In fact, Sunstreaker would have refused to come if he had not had his revelation earlier. They knew who attacked Sideswipe and he was not leaving here until he knew the truth.
Sunstreaker looked to his right as a hand fell onto his arm. Smokescreen was sitting beside him. Sunstreaker had barely noticed the red Autobot with everything that was running through his mind. Smokescreen's eyes registered his concern for Sunstreaker's demeanor of late. The two had known each too long and had been through too much for Sunstreaker to simply tell him to mind his own business about this.
Smokescreen leaned in and whispered, “We need to talk later. It's important.”
Sunstreaker studied the Autobot for a long moment and then looked away. He was not in the mood for a heart-to-heart at the moment.
Seeing this reaction, Smokescreen leaned closer. “It's about the Decepticon.”
Sunstreaker's head shot around to look at Smokescreen again. Smokescreen's face was suddenly unreadable, an ability he had to learn given part of his job here. Sunstreaker opened his mouth to demand all of the information Smokescreen had, but Optimus stepped forward and stood in front of Sunstreaker.
“We're concerned about your well-being, Sunstreaker,” Optimus stated in a fatherly tone.
“Well, save it,” Sunstreaker responded venomously. “I'm fine. I'm a fighter. That's what I was doing out there. That's all I was doing.”
“Sunstreaker, that was not what you were doing out there,” Optimus started, but the warrior cut him off before he could say any more.
Sunstreaker shook his head incredulously. “The thing about you is, you never really were just a warrior, were you? You were a dock worker. Then you were a leader. You see everything through different optics than any of us. Fine, whatever. Sideswipe’s been telling me all that same slag forever. It never really occurred to you that maybe it might be nice to actually know who it is we are fighting. We’re not just a bunch of yes-bots flying recklessly into battle. We’re not mindless Decepticons with nothing but fuel lust. That's not all we are. We are very aware of what we fight for. We believe in it or we wouldn't fight for it. You take us for granted, Optimus.” Sunstreaker paused, trying to calm himself before continuing. He wasn't here to debate the role of the Autobot warriors. He was here for another reason. “You know who he is, don't you?”
“His name is Marauder,” Optimus answered with barely a pause. “He's a Special Operations agent in Decepticon Intelligence.”
“He's an assassin,” Sunstreaker corrected matter-of-factly.
“In part,” Optimus conceded, “but he's more than just that—.”
“Does that really matter?” Sunstreaker countered, his anger starting to get the best of him. “Who cares what else he does if he likes to do around pretending to be Autobots just so he can pick us off one by one? What good did that do Sideswipe? What if two warriors other than us had been there? They *would* be dead ”
Optimus hung his head. Obviously, he had been thinking about this and he did have regrets. But regrets were doing nothing for Sideswipe's condition. Sunstreaker could feel little sympathy for the Autobot commander.
Optimus raised his head and gazed sorrowfully at Sunstreaker. “Sideswipe is a good Autobot. I know how you must feel.”
Just then, something inside Sunstreaker snapped. He scrambled to his feet and rushed toward his commander. Sunstreaker placed a hand on Optimus' chest plate and shoved him roughly into the wall behind him. Sunstreaker then leaned in close to his commander, his hand angrily squeezing down on Optimus' shoulder, causing sparks to jump from the joint.
“How could you possibly know what this feels like?” he whispered hoarsely. “You can drone one and on about how Sideswipe is like a brother to all of us, but he *is* a brother to me. Every second he lies in that infirmary dying is another spark of life that begs to leave my own body. Each day that goes by is worse than the last, every step I take is harder than the last. Sideswipe is as much a part of me as my own laser core and I'm losing him. None of you could possibly understand what it feels like to be losing a part of yourself and you can't do a slagging thing about it, so don't even pretend that you do.” Sunstreaker shoved Optimus one more time and backed away. “This is my pain. I'm the only one who could possibly understand it.” With that, he turned to leave.
“Sunstreaker, wait,” Optimus finally said.
“Forget about it,” Sunstreaker said without stopping. “If I need to talk to someone, I'll talk to Smokescreen.”
Smokescreen almost smiled as Sunstreaker's hand fell lightly on Smokescreen's shoulder. The red Autobot turned halfway toward the door and watched it slowly slide shut as the warrior left. Sunstreaker's demeanor still worried him, but at least it sounded as though he were willing to listen what Smokescreen had to say to him. Seeing Sunstreaker out on that battlefield was numbing. Smokescreen had never seen such raw, blind aggression. A part of Smokescreen was frightened about what Sunstreaker could to him or anybody standing in his way should he fall into that state again.
Smokescreen looked up at Optimus who, sitting at the edge of the computer console and staring at the closed door, punctuated this fear by rubbing the shoulder that Sunstreaker had just injured. There was a small dent on Prime's chest plate from where Sunstreaker had shoved him. That was just the residual anger from the battlefield. Could Sunstreaker have actually caused greater damage to his leader if he been experiencing what he had felt out there?
Optimus' gaze shifted down to Smokescreen as he looked away from the door.
“Can this be fixed?” Optimus asked, his concern obvious. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Prime, I don't even know if I can do anything. Sunstreaker might listen to me, but he's bent on finding this Marauder and making him pay. He wants revenge, pure and simple.” Smokescreen paused. “Why didn't you tell any of us about Marauder?”
Optimus shifted his optics, the guilt over his lack of disclosure still obvious. “I didn't think Megatron would actually use him like this. Everything Megatron has done leading up to this has been focused on gathering energon for his conquest of Cybertron. He treats us has more of a nuisance than anything else. With that knowledge, I surmised that Megatron would use Marauder only as a fighter. Marauder, despite his record as a murderer, is also a top-notch warrior. But he has his weaknesses. Nearly every battle in which he is among the defeated, he is dispatched with quick, decisive thinking. The times when he plays a factor is when somebody hesitates. The results are almost always disaster. I thought that telling all of the Autobots about the horror stories he has caused in his career would only make them hesitant in fighting him.” Optimus paused. “I never wanted this to happen.”
Smokescreen could only nod. The Autobots always thought of Optimus Prime as infallible. That was not always the case. Optimus' logic was sound; Smokescreen had little doubt that some of the Autobot warriors would hesitate, wondering if Marauder's direct attack was a feint. It simply backfired. Optimus Prime had been wrong.
Optimus raised his head again, a new look of determination lighting his optics. “And it won't happen again. We intercepted a few odd signals, similar to what happened before that last incident. We’ve already established new protocols involving field units. One reason we wanted Sunstreaker here was to inform him of a plan to neutralize this Decepticon. We need his help for it to come to fruition. Marauder does not like to leave loose ends, and Sunstreaker, after today's battle, is a rather high-profile one. With his help, Marauder will be captured and pay for his crimes.”
Smokescreen stood. “I'll talk to him Optimus, but I can't guarantee anything. He's determined to make Marauder pay. And I don't think it's the kind of payment you have in mind.”
Optimus nodded knowingly. “Just see what you can do.”
Smokescreen nodded in return and left to find Sunstreaker.
* * *
Smokescreen slowly walked into Sunstreaker's quarters and gazed around the room. It was nearly barren, but many of the warriors' quarters were like this. The room contained a ship communicator and a small energon charger. On the wall, hung several weapons that he barely used. The only other object in the room was a desk that was usually completely empty. Right now it was not.
Sunstreaker was sitting in a chair, his feet propped casually on the desk. His arms were crossed tightly across his chest and he was staring at a small device and a flare gun. Sideswipe’s flare gun. Smokescreen knocked on the open door, informing Sunstreaker that someone was present, but the warrior did not so much as lift his head. He remained perfected still, staring at the contents at the table. Smokescreen walked deeper into the room and moved so he could better see the yellow Autobot. Sunstreaker's face was a sea of emotions, all microns from the surface: understanding, sorrow, but mostly anger. The fire Smokescreen had seen in Sunstreaker's optics earlier was beginning to return. Smokescreen knew he had to stop a replay morning's display before it started.
Smokescreen leaned against Sunstreaker's desk and asked, “What's that?” He motioned to the small device beside the gun.
For a minute, Sunstreaker did not move. He simply continued to stare at it with the same whirlpool of emotions. Images of Inertia started streaming into Smokescreeen's consciousness again. This was all starting to look too familiar.
Finally, Sunstreaker leaned forward and pressed the lone black switch on the device. A holographic image shimmered to life and focused on the dust suspended in the air. Within seconds, it took the form of Marauder’s head.
“I hope this is not too much of a surprise to you. I am, as I’m sure you’ve seen and know that you’ve experienced, quite good at my job. I imagine it would be a fair bit more difficult to gain entrance to a certain unconscious friend of yours than it was to gain entry to this room, but believe me. I’ll do it. Unless that is, you meet me. I think you know where. Come and we’ll finish this.”
With that, the image disappeared. Smokescreen was again reminded of Inertia. It was all so similar to how Marauder had toyed with Inertia all those millions of years ago. This time, with Sunstreaker, it was different. Where Inertia was afraid of living with the memory of what had happened to him and his troop, Sunstreaker was reacting with what seemed to be pure rage. Did Marauder realize this or did the Decepticon expect Sunstreaker to act like his other prey and fear him? Frankly, Smokescreen did not care. The only thing that mattered was turning his friend's attention away from vengeance, at least the kind Sunstreaker was likely planning.
“Optimus has a plan to bring this Marauder in,” Smokescreen said. “The scum will get what he deserves.”
“Will he?” Sunstreaker asked doubtfully. “He deserves much worse than imprisonment for what he's done. Sideswipe wasn't the first victim he's ever had. He's the same Decepticon that killed that Inertia kid, right?”
Smokescreen nodded, even though he could tell Sunstreaker already knew the answer.
“Optimus has a plan,” Sunstreaker then said slowly, as if he were weighing the words carefully. He put his feet back on the floor and looked up at Smokescreen. “Tell you what. Give me a few minutes here to compose myself. I'll meet you in the command room.”
Smokescreen pushed himself back to a standing position and nodded. Before he walked out the door, he turned and looked at the warrior one more time. To Smokescreen's surprise, Sunstreaker was looking right back.
“Don't worry,” Sunstreaker said, his optics still very sad. “I won't do anything stupid. I'll do whatever necessary to bring him to justice.”
Smokescreen scrutinized the yellow Autobot for several more seconds. Finally, he turned to leave, still not convinced that Sunstreaker was actually going to meet him and the others in the command room. But, unlike the case with Inertia, Smokescreen knew Sunstreaker. He felt he had to give his friend the benefit of the doubt. However, if Sunstreaker did run off and do something rash, Smokescreen vowed he would be right on his tail.
* * *
After Smokescreen left, Sunstreaker picked up the holographic generator from his desk. A part of him felt a little guilty. He had no intention on meeting Smokescreen and Optimus. Still, Sunstreaker had told the truth. He was going to do whatever was necessary to get justice. Sunstreaker threw the device against the wall and watched it shatter, its shards dancing slowly across the floor.
Whatever was necessary.
* * *
Marauder paced slowly at the edge of the forest near the cave where he first attacked the two Autobots. When he first arrived on this planet, he thought it was fascinating. It held so many untapped resources, so many ways to strike at his prey. Now though it was different. He despised this planet. He hated the unnerving way the ground sank every time he took a step. He hated the overly bright skies. He knew that it was less a matter of the planet, but what it had grown to represent. Since stepping foot on this world, everything was out of place. Autobots won battles. And Marauder lost them. Instead of reveling in victory, he found himself breaking out of a prison at his own base just to clean up this mess.
The sounds of approaching footsteps ripped his attention from any further thoughts. Marauder whirled to his right and watched the figure approach. As the robot came into view, Marauder balled his fists in frustration. It was Soundwave.
“Found me, did you?” Marauder asked, trying to keep his voice steady. On Cybertron, it would never have been Soundwave that found him first. It would have been the Autobot.
“You should never have tried to escape,” Soundwave replied evenly.
Marauder looked over the tall Decepticon for a moment. He did not have a weapon visible, but that hardly meant anything. A Decepticon was rarely unarmed, and even if Soundwave was, he still had access to the tape army he stored within him. Regardless of the dangerous of confronting a Decepticon as dangerous as Soundwave, Marauder stepped forward.
“What choice did I have?” he exclaimed. “Nothing here is as it should be. I am not some mindless warrior to scamper about the battlefield. I am an unused asset, one that Megatron does not even seem to realize is at his disposal.” Nothing else made any sense to Marauder. It had to be the truth.
“Megatron knows who you are,” Soundwave said evenly, as if Marauder was nothing of concern. Anger welled up inside him at the communicator’s obvious dismissal of Marauder’s talents. “But what he said remains true. There is more at stake then you realize.”
Marauder’s optics narrowed. More at stake, again. The Decepticon’s interest was piqued, but that was for another time.
“Megatron knows who I am?”
“A good warrior who follows directions. That is what Shockwave told him. It seems that that assessment needs to be reevaluated.”
Suddenly, there was a rifle in Soundwave’s hand. Marauder cursed as he took a step back. Listening to the slow, monotonous speech and watching his stiff demeanor, Marauder had forgotten that Soundwave was himself a fine warrior. And obviously more than a little quick.
Before Marauder could react further, he looked up as a yellow robot flew from the cliffs above, colliding violently with Soundwave. The robot's feet smashed into Soundwave's head, sending the Decepticon sprawling across the forest clearing toward the cave. Marauder stepped back in surprise and stared at where Soundwave had landed. He was lying haphazardly on the ground. It was obvious to Marauder that the Decepticon was unconscious before he hit the ground.
Marauder looked over at the assailant as the robot flipped back to his feet. The robot stood, in a defensive position, about sixty feet from where Marauder stood. Marauder smiled with recognition at the figure.
“Looking for me?” Sunstreaker growled.
* * *
Sunstreaker fought to control his anger as the Decepticon placed his hands on his hips and laughed. 'Control,' he thought. 'You've gotta have control or you're as good as dead.'
“So,” Marauder said as he started swaggering slowly toward Sunstreaker, “the dead really are walking. I wouldn't have believed that either of you two would have survived my attack. A testament to your endurance, no doubt. Not many come against me and live to tell about it.” Marauder stopped for a second and said, “So how is that friend of yours anyway? I imagine he's in bad shape. He didn't look so good after getting gored by that blade.”
Sunstreaker clenched his jaw tighter, waiting until the Decepticon was closer to make his move. All he could do was wait. And listen to more of his drivel.
“You realize, I’m sure, that Soundwave was in the process of killing me.” Marauder looked at Sunstreaker and nodded. “I’ve always found it interesting what some beings would do to see a job to its end. You would disable someone willing to end my life just for a chance for me to put you out of your misery. Wonders never cease.
“So how do you want to finish this?” Marauder continued. “You've been a worthy opponent, to be sure, so I'll let you decide. I could finish you quickly and bring a swift end. If you asked my personal preference though, I'd go the slow route. I'm quite masterful at it. I'd bring you to tears. So, what do you think?”
“Let's go the slow route,” Sunstreaker said quietly.
Marauder smiled broadly, but that smile quickly vanished as Sunstreaker punched him across the face, sending the Decepticon sprawling on the forest floor. Marauder scrambled to his feet with a stunned look on his face as Sunstreaker stalked toward him. Obviously, the Decepticon was not expecting to have a fight on his hands.
With one smooth motion, a gun suddenly appeared in Marauder's hand. Sunstreaker dove toward the Decepticons feet, effectively dodging the blast and, lowering a shoulder into Marauder's knees, knocked him down again. Sunstreaker lifted himself up and punched the Decepticon again. Stunned slightly, the gun Marauder held hung loosely in his grip. Sunstreaker angrily reached down and snatched the gun from him, leveling it at his forehead. Marauder tried to slowly squirm back from the Autobot, but Sunstreaker leapt to his feet again and dug his heel into Marauder's torso. Sunstreaker looked at the gun as Marauder winced in pain. After several seconds, Sunstreaker quickly disassembled the gun, rendering it unusable, and tossed it aside.
“Come on,” Sunstreaker said softly, “I thought we were going to do this slowly.” Sunstreaker kicked Marauder across the face and watched as sparks arced from several fresh wounds. “I want you to feel every ounce of pain I feel. Oh,” Sunstreaker reached down and picked the Decepticon up by the neck, “and he isn't my friend. He is my brother.”
“How touching,” Marauder replied sarcastically, his voice strained due to Sunstreaker's tight grip on his neck. Before he could continue his sentence, he grimaced in pain as Sunstreaker ripped one of his wings off with his other hand, grounding the Decepticon flyer. Before Marauder could even react, he was soaring through the air, thanks to the Autobot. He crashed into a small grove of trees near the clearing. Marauder shook his head, trying to make sense of the multiple images of the Autobot he saw stalking toward him. 'This,' he thought with a mixture of anger and interest, 'is a most unexpected turn of events.' In every other case, his quarry would break down and let his death come. Never had a victim fought back with such determination. It baffled Marauder as to why this Autobot was different when he seemed so similar to the others. Was it because he nearly lost a sibling, something Marauder had not even known was possible for Cybertronians to have, or was it something else? Marauder decided, as Sunstreaker stooped to pick up the injured Decepticon, that it did not matter. What mattered was finishing his job.
Before Sunstreaker could grasp the Decepticon, Marauder rolled smoothly to his left, ignoring the pain shooting up his side from his injured wing. He rolled to an upright, crouched position and dug his heel into the soft earth beneath his feet. As the Autobot turned to face him again, Marauder lunged toward Sunstreaker while removed a blade from a sheath connected to his lower leg. 'Pity I won't be able to toy with him any further,' Marauder thought.
This thought was replaced with a gasp of surprise as the Autobot spun down and away from Marauder, and was barely grazed by the sharp blade in Marauder's hand. Marauder cursed and turned quickly, only to be greeted by an uppercut from the Autobot's fist. Marauder kept a tight grip on his weapon this time, performing a backward somersault to regain his footing.
With his free hand, Marauder reached up and wiped some free-flowing energon from his jaw. “Impressive display, Sunstreaker. It's a pity the Autobots are about lose a fine warrior like you.”
Sunstreaker watched the Decepticon race toward him again, his sword leading the charge. The move seemed for too foolhardy to be an honest attack. Sunstreaker braced himself for the Decepticon to shift his attack vector. What happened caught Sunstreaker temporarily off-guard. Marauder dug the sword into the ground and used it to vault over the Autobot warrior. Before Sunstreaker could turn, he felt the sword slice a deep gash from hip to shoulder across his back. Ignoring the pain, Sunstreaker swiped his right arm back and blocked the next swipe, opening another wound on his forearm. The block left him open to a solid backhand from Marauder that forcefully turned Sunstreaker away from the Decepticon assassin. He felt a deep excruciating sting as Marauder kicked the wound on his back, knocking Sunstreaker to the ground. Sunstreaker rolled to a sitting position, but was knocked onto his back by a sharp kick to the face from Marauder. Sunstreaker frowned angrily at the Decepticon hovering over him, Marauder's dark helmet blocking the sun from view.
“Like I said,” Marauder gloated with a grin. “A pity.” Marauder placed the blade against Sunstreaker's cheek. He then pulled it sharply toward him, leaving a deep cut on his face. Sunstreaker could feel the warm energon streaming from the cut. The blade's point was above his again, and Sunstreaker felt a calm wash over him. His frown disappeared and his warrior's instinct kicked in. A part of him hoped that perhaps it was with Sideswipe's help that he regained his concentration, but his logical side knew it was simply millions of years of fighting and managing to stay alive. It was experience. It was confidence. 'I am a warrior. I will prevail.'
Marauder began dropping the blade, but to Sunstreaker, it appeared to be moving in slow motion. Sunstreaker reached up with both hands and caught the blade between them. In a fluid motion, he twisted the sword from the stunned Decepticon's hands and rolled, his legs undercutting those of Marauder. Within seconds, their roles were reversed, with Sunstreaker standing tall over the obviously stunned Decepticon. Sunstreaker placed the point of the blade against Marauder's throat.
“You took everything from me,” Sunstreaker growled. “Sideswipe is my life and now he is barely alive because of you.”
With the force of the last word, the point of the sword dug into Marauder's neck, releasing a small trickle of energon. Sunstreaker looked at it for a second. His gaze shifted up to Marauder. The Decepticon was more than stunned. There was fear in his eyes. And why shouldn't there be? There was a crazed Autobot, sword in hand, about to kill him and there was little he could do about it. No doubt Sunstreaker's appearance, dirty, dented, and cut, was simply adding to the effect. Even behind the fear, Sunstreaker could still see the murderous butcher that nearly killed his brother. Sunstreaker moved the sword and kicked Marauder in the side.
“Do you feel that?” Sunstreaker screamed. “That barely scratches the surface of what I feel every minute, you worthless scrapheap ” Sunstreaker turned and threw the sword deep into the woods. He kicked the Decepticon again to make sure he was not thinking about making another move.
“You couldn't even begin to understand what it feels like to have absolutely no control over the one thing that matters most,” Sunstreaker continued. “You can't understand how dark it feels. You can't understand how badly I want you dead!”
Sunstreaker took his blaster out of subspace and backed away from the Decepticon. Sunstreaker pointed the gun toward Marauder's forehead. Several long seconds, Sunstreaker held the Decepticon's full attention. With a yell of frustration, Sunstreaker shifted his aim and fired two rounds into Marauder's leg.
Sunstreaker spun away from the Decepticon in anger with himself, clutching his blaster tightly in his hand. This Decepticon tried to take away Sunstreaker's best friend and, as a result, a part of himself. Why shouldn't he kill him? Simply because he was an Autobot? That gives this killer the right to continue living.
'No,' Sunstreaker thought, 'it doesn't.' He whirled back around to the Decepticon and pointed his blaster at him again. Sunstreaker yelled in frustration again as he fired several more shots above the cringing Decepticon's head. 'Why can't I do this?' Sunstreaker wanted to scream.
Sunstreaker stared at the Decepticon, who had rolled up on his side, clutching his injured leg and biting back the cries of pain. But even still, Marauder was looking right at Sunstreaker, his intense red eyes boring into Sunstreaker. Even now, this assassin was probably formulating a plan that would leave Sunstreaker, and any other Autobot he could think of, a smoking pile of ash. Why does he deserve to live if he's only going to kill again? Closing his optics, Sunstreaker leveled his blaster calmly and fired.
A shove on his arm sent the energy blast astray. The grass several feet from Marauder's head erupted in a puff of smoke and dirt. Sunstreaker glared angrily and was met by the stern face of Smokescreen. Sunstreaker seethed with anger. It required every ounce of willpower he had to not strike his friend. Smokescreen, his rifle raised and pointed at Marauder, kept his optics looked at Sunstreaker. After several tense seconds, Smokescreen finally spoke.
“What are you doing, Sunstreaker?” he asked, shock reverberating in his voice.
“What does look like? I'm doing whatever is necessary to make sure he doesn't kill again. Just like I said I would.”
“Is that really it?” Smokescreen prodded. “There aren't any other ways to do that? Ways that don't end with his core processor implanted into soil behind him?”
“He'd deserve it and you know it,” Sunstreaker retorted angrily.
Smokescreen stared at the Decepticon for a moment and nodded. “Maybe. But it's not up to 'bots like us to decide that. And you know that too, deep down.” Smokescreen shook his head. “No, this is about something else. This isn't you. What is making you do this, Sunstreaker?”
“It's me now,” Sunstreaker growled. But a part of him, a whisper in the back of his mind, was asking him if that was true.
A whisper that sounded exactly like Sideswipe.
The color suddenly dropped from Sunstreaker's face as he collapsed wearily to the ground. Sitting on the ground with one arm bracing him and the other still holding his weapon, Sunstreaker looked at the Decepticon, who was obviously curious as to what the Autobot was doing. Smokescreen dropped a concerned hand to the warrior's shoulder, but kept steady aim on Marauder. Sunstreaker was too tired to push the hand away.
Smokescreen was right. This was about something else. This was about Sideswipe. Or, more to the point, it was about Sunstreaker and how he was dealing with seeing Sideswipe lost like that. It was not in a real battle. It was a cheap shot by a cowardly assassin that brought him down. Sideswipe deserved far more than that. He deserved to go out in the blaze of glory he always dreamed he would. If, Primus forbid, he ever died, he deserved to do it with honor. He deserved to have fables written about his heroism. Instead, he got Marauder. That may have been part of the reason why Sunstreaker wanted to kill him.
But, there was something more to it than that. Something he had to be back at the base to deal with. He had said some things he never should have said to the one person that mattered most that he had to atone for. He slowly rose, wincing slightly at the tight pain across his back.
Sunstreaker looked around suddenly, observing the stretch exposed soil where Soundwave had been. He was gone now. “Soundwave…”
Smokescreen shrugged, after realizing what Sunstreaker meant. “Gone, I guess,” he said and pointed at Marauder. “We're taking care of business for him. Now let's get back. You need repairs.”
“No. I need to do something else first,” Sunstreaker said quietly.
* * *
Sunstreaker pulled a chair beside Sideswipe's cot and grasped his brother's hand. It had been no small chore to convince Ratchet to leave him alone. Ratchet wanted to complete the warrior's repairs; Sunstreaker simply wanted the time he needed with his brother. Sunstreaker had to concede to a large, garish patch over the gash on his back to stop the energon loss before Ratchet would leave.
Sunstreaker looked into Sideswipe's dark optics. Again, he found himself wondering what, if anything, Sideswipe was thinking. He looked at peace, but that was not always indicative of what was going on in one's mind. Sunstreaker should know. For the last several days, since Sideswipe was nearly killed, Sunstreaker had put up a front of calmness, never letting anybody know the turmoil in his mind.
He saw something else in Sideswipe's optics. His own reflection looked foreign to the usually proud Autobot. Dents and scratches adorned his helmet. His nanocircuitry had done a crude job of repairing the nasty cut on his face. He still wore the discolored gray metal plate over his chest from their initial run-in with Marauder. It was little wonder why the other Autobots were giving him wary looks as he passed. This was obviously not the same Autobot that left with Sideswipe on that mission. Sunstreaker was the only one that did not see it. It was too grief-stricken to notice. And he felt too guilty.
Sunstreaker squeezed his brother's hand and sighed.
“We caught the guy that did this to you. I might look bad now, but he looks worse.”
Sunstreaker smiled wryly at his last sentence. It was a phrase Sideswipe used often when telling tales of recent battles. Sunstreaker sighed again. He silently berated himself for putting this off further. This was his brother.
“In a way, I'm almost glad you can't talk. Knowing you, you'd just tell me to stop. You always know what I'm thinking without me saying a single word. But now, I can't be so sure. I don't even know if you can hear me, but for some reason I think you can. So I have to tell you a couple of things.
“I've been a real scrap lately. I nearly got myself and who knows how many others killed today. I nearly killed someone in cold blood. I'm not like that, even with Decepticreeps, but I needed Smokescreen to point that out. I thought I was just angry. Angry at everyone and everything, because of what happened to you. And I was. I am. But it was more than that. I was mad at myself more than anyone and I didn't even realize it until it was almost too late.
“I know you'd say I was silly for being angry at myself. But I'm not so sure. Why would I feel so damned guilty about all of it if it was just nothing, you know? I feel guilty for how I sounded the day that you . . . well, you know. I was shallow. I was hurtful. Because things weren't going the way I had planned, I took it out on you. That was unfair to you. If I had known what was going to happen, I wouldn't have said those things. I never wanted what could be the last words you hear to be words of anger from the one who should love you the most. You are my strength. That has become all too obvious over the last few days. With you lying in here, I've been lost.”
Sunstreaker paused and looked down at his hand, still clasped tightly around Sideswipe's hand.
“You saved my life, Sideswipe. You've saved countless lives. You are as big a hero that ever existed. The way you fight, the pride you have in what you do and what you believe in . . . I am so proud of you, bro.”
Sunstreaker lifted his head and listened. In the hall, there was the distinct sound of music. 'Blaster,' Sunstreaker thought, annoyed with the noise. He gave Sideswipe's hand a quick squeeze and began walking toward the sound.
As Sunstreaker closed in on Blaster's location, he listened to the song more closely. He recognized the tune from somewhere; it was an old earth song. Sunstreaker began listening to the words. As the meaning he perceived behind the lyrics, the power of them, sunk in, his gait slowed. When he finally reached Blaster's location, he stopped and leaned heavily against the wall and simply listened to the rest of the song.
“It's a long, long road
“From which there is no return.
“While we're on the way to there,
“Why not share?
“And the load
“Doesn't weigh me down at all.
“He ain't heavy, he's my brother.”
“Sunstreaker,” Blaster said suddenly, interrupting the song. He stared at the saddened Autobot in front of him for a moment. Blaster obviously looked concerned. Sunstreaker unkempt appearance was far from normal, but Sunstreaker could not help but see that it perfectly reflected how he felt on the inside for the last couple of days. Sunstreaker already felt better after talking to Sideswipe. It was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. In fact, Sunstreaker made a mental note to pay Hoist a visit for repairs to his structural damage. Sideswipe would freak out if he saw the condition his brother was currently in and Sideswipe had been through enough already.
“I . . . I didn't know you were in there,” Blaster continued. “I'm sorry, dude.”
Sunstreaker shook his head slowly, fighting back his emotions. That song was echoing every last emotion that Sunstreaker was feeling. His sadness about the fact that his brother needed to be carried. His worry over what might happen to Sideswipe in the future. His joy for the times he had shared with him and those he prayed were in the future. Everything. 'It's a long, long road,' Sunstreaker thought. 'While we're on the way there, why not share?'
Sunstreaker lifted himself off the wall and patted Blaster on the shoulder. “It's a good song,” Sunstreaker said, his voice straining to remain steady. “Finish it.” Sunstreaker turned to return to the medical bay and stopped. “Are you busy?” he asked over his shoulder.
Blaster frowned with some confusion. “No,” he answered carefully.
“Then why don't you come with me. I've got one hell of a story to tell you.” Sunstreaker chuckled a little just thinking about it. “Did you ever hear how jet judo got started?”
Blaster smiled and started walking beside the yellow Autobot. “Nope,” Blaster replied, “but I'd love to hear it.”
Sunstreaker smiled in return and sat beside Sideswipe. 'You are my strength,' he thought again, as he listened as Blaster finished the song he had been playing.
“He's my brother.
“He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
* * *
Marauder stared sullenly at his clasped hands, refusing the urge to look around his cell again. He knew he was being monitored. Already, several Autobot guards had swung passed his cell while on patrol, always while he was covertly studying the cell's layout and the structure of the energon bars. Somewhere, hidden in the darkness that encompassed the holding area he was stowed away in, was some sort of motion detector or recording device. Obviously, the Autobots were worried he would escape. A hint of a smile formed on his face.
'Naturally,' he thought, 'I will.'
“Something amusing?” a soft voice called from the shadows.
Marauder looked up quickly and rose to his feet. He said nothing. Despite the fact that he was among such of a perversely peaceful group like the Autobots, a part of him was almost expecting this. A small voice in the back of his mind, a voice he tried hard to ignore since his capture, prodded at him. It told him that not every Autobot was peaceful. That some might think it better that he died in his cell. One of those Autobots, Marauder suspected, belonged to that soft voice in the shadows.
“Amusing?” Marauder responded. “Nothing extraordinary.” He allowed the smile to reform. “Just your security measures.”
Sunstreaker stepped out of the slowly out of the shadows, the pale white light playing off his newly repaired armor, thin shadows still dancing quietly across his stern face. For a long time, neither Transformer said a word. Marauder did not want to look away, but the sheer fury that seemed to boiling just below the surface of the Autobot warrior’s demeanor was difficult to look at. Marauder wanted to simply look away from that anger. Instead, he spoke.
“So, is this it then?” he asked tauntingly. “Are you here to kill me?”
“I'm no executioner; I'm a warrior,” Sunstreaker responded quietly. “But, despite the fact that you don't deserve it, I am here to give you a warning.”
Marauder laughed. “Is that so? Let's have it then.”
Sunstreaker leaned his shoulder against a wall to his right and cross his arms casually across his chest.
“My friend didn't want to me to kill you. He told me to think about what I was about to do. He wanted me to think about whether I was capable of killing you like that. Most of all, he wanted me to think about what my brother would have done. Well, I've thought about it.”
“And?” Marauder prompted, an amused smile on his face.
“Sideswipe would have killed you,” Sunstreaker said bluntly. Marauder’s smile nearly slipped. “So I'll be killing you. Maybe not in here. There are certain codes Autobots have established that separate us from animals like you, Decepticon. You're a prisoner and so long as you stay in your cage like a good animal, you will be safe. But, I think we all know that you will escape eventually. You have every other time you've been caught. You escaped from the Decepticons here on Earth. And I'll tell you what: I can't wait until you do. Because then you're fair game again. I will find you and I will kill you.
“There's your warning. If you want to live, stay in your cell. If you want to die, escape. The choice is yours.”
After staring at Marauder for a second longer, Sunstreaker turned quickly and slowly walked back toward the entrance. Marauder fought to keep the smile on his faceplate despite how foreign it suddenly felt. He could not show what effect Sunstreaker's words had on him. How the cold reverberation in his voice echoing off the corridors in this brig threatened to throttle him where he stood. How the words spilled over his consciousness like liquid nitrogen. No single member of the Decepticon army, a group he readily admitted was largely composed of hardened killers, had ever caused such a reaction from him. Even Megatron's words before his escape from their headquarters several days earlier had simply bounced off of him, meaning little to him. Even then, he was sure to turn things around and save his life. Somehow, though, what Sunstreaker had said was different. He could not tell if it was the tone of voice or the words being spoken, but it felt as if the statements the Autobot had just made were not only warnings, but universal truths.
For the first time in his life, Marauder was truly and completely frightened.
He gathered up what courage he could muster and walked forward, grasping the energon bars before him, ignoring the sharp jolts of energy that scorched his hands.
“So what you're really trying to say is that you could use a challenge.” Marauder smirked, an expression that did not last long.
Echoing back to him was laughter. Not a malevolent, vindictive laughter Marauder might have expected. Instead, it was full of humor and mirth, as if the Autobot had just heard the funniest joke to pass a being’s vocalizer.
“A challenge,” Sunstreaker answered, still chuckling. “You really don't know who I am, do you? Foolish, foolish Decepticon. I'm the best that ever was.”
Marauder heard Sunstreaker continuing to stride away, the laughter mercifully diminishing with each step. As silence returned to the brig, Marauder back away from the energon bars and slumped against the wall. He stared at his hands again, but dreams of escape were the last thing on his mind.
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