Suggestions and Comments
Hosted by the venerable RATTRAP!
Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, here is the host of this suggestions page...RATTRAP?!?!?

Picture courtesy of Walky
Eh? Oh, hi there folks. Just, uh, finishing up here....
What do mean I shouldn't use Prime's john? Just because the big guy is Autobot leader doesn't mean his toilet is off-limits....
Eh, he's asking for it, if you ask me. C'mon, all I eat is cheese. I take 'em where I can get 'em....
I'm being crude? You're the one watchin'! Look, if you want to email Scott, you can reach him at And, um, listen. Maybe we can keep this, um, incident between us, hmmm? I'd hate to lose this gig. This is the best bathroom I've ever seen, you know what I'm sayin'?